Sunday, December 30, 2007

VirtualDub Auto Shutdown

The VirtualDub free software is very powerful video editing application. I love to use this application but fortunately VirtualDub doesn't include any shutdown function after convert or processing video editing finished.

Sometimes when the process take along time (over 2 or 3 hours) and I can't waiting the process to be complete, so I need to make my computer turn off automatically when the the process is finish.

I tried to find it on google, how to make my computer turn off after finish processing of VirtualDub and I found it the way to shutdown computer using filter within VirtualDub:

I have another easy way to make computer turn off (shutdown) after the VirtualDub finish the processing without any special program or filter (add-in) to be installed on VirtualDub program.

I made batch script to do this automate computer turn off (shutdown):

Save this file autoshut.bat on the VirtualDub program folder location, usually c:\Program Files\VirtualDub (where is the program VirtualDub.exe exist)

Next step is, make shortcut on your desktop to autoshut.bat script or just running this batch script with windows explore.
The VirtualDub program will be lunch and you can prepare the video process (convertion) and make it all process into batch mode processing within VirtualDub application.
How to operate batch processing within VirtualDub, please read the manual or browse the google :-)

Make sure the Options-Shutdown when finished is selected.
Press Start button when you are ready to process the Jobs.
When the process finish, the VirtualDub program will be closed and next command shutdown -s -t 60 -f will be running.

Have a nice try this trick and even you can customize this script to send you message (net send) or sending you email using BLAT command line after the VirtualDub application closed.

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